Invest in the Best Land Development Services for Knoxville TN
Whether developing a highway, building a new apartment complex, or finalizing plans for your business’s new storefront, land development is crucial for your project. New construction needs civil engineers who understand the intricacies of land development. Thankfully, land development services for Knoxville TN are something Austin Engineering specializes in. Call today to discuss land development and site planning for your next project.
The Important Aspects of Land Development
The primary goal of development is to prepare a piece of property before initial construction efforts begin in full. In doing so, Austin Engineering has partnered with local contractors to provide the best land development services for Knoxville TN residents. The most important of these services include:
- Property Surveys – Before decisions can be made for your site plan or any land development, you need to have a clear picture of your property’s strengths, weaknesses, and features. Thus, conducting a property survey is crucial to the land development process. An ALTA Survey works best for getting the whole picture of your property.
- Feasibility Study – After you are familiar with the makeup of a piece of property, a feasibility study can be completed. Feasibility studies assess what remaining tasks must be completed to ensure a smooth transition into the construction phase of your project. The study will analyze local and federal building codes, projected budget, zoning requirements and other existing property conditions.
- Site Planning – After a property’s purchase, it’s time to begin site planning! Throughout this process, Austin Engineering will produce initial designs for your project. Our site plan proposes ideas for work on a property’s landscape, streetscape, utilities, existing features, stormwater management, and more.
- Project Management – Upon acceptance of a site plan, a project’s next steps consist of acquiring materials, hiring contractors, moving equipment, and implementing the site plan and a project’s design. Austin Engineering can commit to project management to ensure your project stays within your proposed time frame and budget. As project managers, we help contractors communicate and ensure that building codes are followed and that safety standards are met.

How Austin Engineering Can Help
Land development is crucial to any residential or commercial construction. Thankfully, Austin Engineering has made it their priority to provide expert guidance on various projects. From cityscape design to stormwater management, we’ve provided the design and management necessary for a project to achieve all its goals. Our creative, careful and intelligent designs are some of the best you’ll see throughout Tennessee.
Contact Our Office
Support your next construction project with guidance from Austin Engineering and our land development services for Knoxville TN. To learn more about our other services or our work, contact us today at 423-379-2725. Also, our Tennessee office is located at 2115 Stein Dr, Ste 207, Chattanooga, TN 37421.