How often should I expect communication from you?

How often should I expect communication from you?

During the initial stages of the project, communication is more frequent as we try to dial in the details of your project and complete the list of deliverables and the completion of each task that the project requires.  It is not uncommon to send multiple emails or make multiple calls in a singled day during this stage of the design process.  Once we move into the preparation of detailed construction plans, the communication becomes less frequent.  We will contact you when important information becomes available and at a minimum, we will set up times for you to review our progress on our plans, typically at 50%, 75% and 95% completion of the plans.  If you hire us to provide construction observation for your project, we can communicate with you as frequently as you like.  The design process is a partnership.  We must work together if we are both to be successful.  If you ever want to know how things are going, just send us an email and ask for an update.  We are happy to send you a quick note to let you know how things are going on your design project.