ALTA Surveys Rock Island IL

ALTA Surveys Rock Island IL

Evaluate Your Property Through ALTA Surveys in Rock Island, IL

As you prepare your property for construction, ensure your land has the necessary insurance. Often, insurers won’t agree to cover your property without certain guarantees and evaluations. Thankfully, with ALTA surveys in Rock Island, IL, you can meet all the requirements set by insurers. Talk with Austin Engineering today to plan an ALTA survey for your property.

What Are ALTA Surveys?

While dozens of land surveys are available, most in the industry recognize an ALTA survey as the standard. Also known as the American Land Title Association survey, this survey is helpful during the “due diligence process” and for meeting lender and insurer requirements. As such, an ALTA survey combines the components of several surveys into one, covering such aspects as:

  • Zoning Classifications
  • Boundary Lines
  • Easements and Encumbrances
  • Property Features
  • Roads
  • Land Improvements
  • Legal Access to Property

Why Should You Rely on an ALTA Survey in Rock Island, IL?

With the number of surveys you can perform for your property, why should you rely on ALTA surveys in Rock Island, IL? Truthfully, the reasons for using ALTA surveys are the same for civil engineers and contractors throughout the United States. Here’s why ALTA surveys rank among the most commonly used:

Surveyors performing work for ALTA Surveys in Rock Island IL
  • Covers Numerous Areas – ALTA surveys address zoning issues, boundary lines, property features, and more. Because of their extensive land evaluations, contractors prefer these surveys to meet title insurer requirements.
  • The Standard – The American Land Title Association developed and approved this survey, earning the trust and recognition of contractors across the US. As a result, the industry considers it the foundation for land surveys.
  • Widely Accepted – As the industry standard, ALTA surveys have widespread acceptance among third parties working with contractors. Lenders, attorneys, surveyors, title professionals, and insurers all recognize and adhere to ALTA survey standards.
  • Addresses Your Property Concerns – An ALTA survey isn’t only beneficial for lenders and insurers, but the contractors and landowners themselves. ALTA surveys give contractors and civil engineers all they need to engage in initial site planning and land development.

Request an ALTA Survey from Local Experts

When preparing for your next construction project, ensure you cover all the finer details via ALTA surveys in Rock Island IL. To schedule your survey, contact the survey experts at Austin Engineering! Call us at 309-691-0224 to receive a quote. Or, you can contact us online via our online form.